西成男孩儿的<the rose> 的中文歌词大意?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 17:54:37

Some say love, it is a river 有人说,爱是条河流,
that drowns the tender reed. 它将柔弱的苇叶浸没.
Some say love, it is a razor 有人说,爱是把刀片,
that leaves your soul to bleed. 它将人们的心灵割破.
Some say love, it is a hunger, 有人说,爱是种欲望,
an endless aching need. 一种无尽痛苦的需求.
I say love, it is a flower, 我想说,爱是支花朵,
and you its only seed. 你是这花唯一的种子.

It's the heart afraid of breaking 害怕破碎的心灵
that never learns to dance. 永远无法学会跳动,
It's the dream afraid of waking 害怕醒来的梦境
that never takes the chance. 永远无法变成现实,
It's the one who won't be taken, 不懂给予的人们
who cannot seem to give. 永远无法让人接纳.

And the soul afraid of dyin' 害怕死亡的灵魂
that never learns to live.